The name of the organisation shall be Frodsham Festival of Walks hereinafter called ‘the Group’.
The Group aims to adopt an innovative approach to promote, for the benefit of the residents and communities of the town of Frodsham and surrounding areas, a Festival of Walks, and a variety of appropriate accompanying events, that celebrate and promote our town and its surrounding countryside, parks, forests and established woodland spaces.
The Group aims to respect and enhance where possible, the quality of our local landscapes, whilst still staying true to the cultural heritage and character of the area.
We are committed to working with residents and other local groups including farmers, landowners, local/regional organisations and businesses, to conserve and enhance our historic landscapes and respect our local environment during the delivery of our walks and events.
Through the delivery of an annual Festival of Walks, the Group aims to improve social networks and connectivity by bringing people together through the medium of walking and other appropriate, accompanying activities. This will be achieved by encouraging residents, local businesses, and voluntary organisations to participate in a common resolve to enhance the lives and wellbeing of local people of all ages in Frodsham and its surrounding district.
The Group aims for the Festival to act as an incentive to promote the health and wellbeing benefits of walking as a way of life, whilst also promoting and supporting volunteering and learning pathways.
The Group will always try to curate a Festival that provides something for everyone, inspiring our residents and visitors to find, or re-discover, the incredible trails, paths, and stories that our ancient town and countryside has to offer. We will also promote an appreciation of the natural world by supporting walks that highlight plant and animal life, and an awareness of environmental change.
The Group shall not be discriminatory in any way and will respect both the content and intention of the Equalities Act 2010.
The Group recognise that compassionate communities help to reduce social isolation and loneliness and bring a sense of belonging into what is sometimes a disconnected society.
Carrying out the Aims:
In order to carry out its Aims the Group shall have the power to:
Raise funds, receive grants and donations, and obtain funds by any other lawful method.
Apply the funds of the Group to carry out the work of the Group.
Co-operate with, and support, other organisations with similar objectives.
Do all such lawful activities as will further the Aims of the Group.
Management Committee:
The Group will be run by a Management Committee, comprising of not fewer than three and no more than nine committee members who are appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Group.
One third (or the nearest larger whole number) of Management Committee members shall retire in turn at the AGM but may be nominated and re-elected for a further term. Selection of the first few retirees will be by ballot.
The Management Committee shall consist of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and no more than six other voting members.
The Management Committee will meet at least three times each year and at least three Members of the Management Committee must be in attendance for the meeting to be quorate.
A proper record of all decisions taken at a Management Committee meeting will be maintained. This will be the responsibility of the Secretary.
If any Member of the Management Committee considers themself to hold a conflict of interest on any matter, it must be declared, and the Member must not take part in the discussion or any ensuing vote.
Each Member of the Management Committee shall have one vote and any decisions made shall be decided by a simple majority of those present. If there is an equality of votes the Chair shall have the casting vote.
There will be fourteen days’ notice given to all Management Committee Members prior to any meeting.
A Special General Meeting may be called at any time at the request of the Management Committee. A notice explaining the place, date, time, and reason shall be sent to all Members at least seven days before.
Proposals to change the Constitution of the Group must be given in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days before a general meeting and approved by a two thirds majority of those present and voting.
Reasonable expenses incurred by Management Committee Members in forwarding the aims of the Group will be reimbursed on production of a receipt.
Membership of the Group:
The Group shall have a Membership.
Anyone may apply for Membership or may be enrolled by participating in any of the Festival of Walks activities/events.
Membership of the Group will be open to any individual who resides within the district.
All Members of the Group will have the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Any Member may be excluded from Membership by the Management for any reason deemed appropriate by the Management Committee.
The Group will adhere to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
The funds of the Group including all donations and contributions shall be paid into an account held in the name of the Group and operated by the Management Committee.
All Group expenditures must be budgeted or explicitly agreed by the Management Committee prior to any commitment being made.
All cheques and digital financial transactions relating to the account, will be signed and/or witnessed and monitored by at least one other member of the Management Committee who either hold the positions of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, or another nominated member of the Group.
The funds belonging to the Group shall be applied only to further the aims of the group.
A record of all income, funding and expenditure will be maintained and will be available for inspection prior to the Annual General Meeting.
The Group may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a simple majority of those present and voting at a Special General Meeting.
If confirmed, the Management Committee shall distribute any assets remaining after the payment of all bills to other charitable groups or organisations having aims and values similar to the Frodsham Festival of Walks, or another charitable purpose selected by the Group or agreed by the Management Committee.
Chair – Glyn Morris
Secretary – Fiona Barry
Treasurer – Eamon Kilduff
Banking details: HSBC – Frodsham Festival of Walks
Sort Code: 40-45-24 Acc. No: 22735733
This document was updated on: 31.7.24.